Lion’s Gate Portal

The Lion's Gate Portal is here to help you amplify your deepest wishes.

We’ve been moving through a powerful portal called The Lion’s Gate, which is when the star Sirius aligns with the energy of the Sun in Leo. It is thought that from late July to mid-August, there is prime opportunities for creating change and to call in your heart’s desire.
Two years ago, I quit smoking cigarettes during the Lion’s Gate Portal. I had just moved from NYC to Santa Fe and had been struggling with letting go of the last few daily cigarettes. I was invited back home to celebrate my dad’s birthday, and I decided it was such a great opportunity to quit once and for all. I never really thought I’d be able to quit, I had been smoking regularly since high school, and the habit felt like a big part of my identity. It was deep rooted in my PTSD and childhood traumas, and it was something that I honestly really enjoyed doing. I used to joke that I wished smoking was good for you because I just liked doing it so much!
So, I flew to NY and over the course of the days staying at my parent’s place on Long Island, I released a habit of over 20 years into the Lion’s mouth. When I returned to Santa Fe as an ex-smoker, I truly felt as though I had moved through a portal into a new chapter of my life.

It was definitely not easy, but it somehow felt easier with the power of the lion behind my actions. It highlighted my own inner strength and helped me commit to making this big change in my life.  And I think that is what this powerful time period here is for, the show you that "you've had the power all along, my dear." 

What I’ve learned about the Lion’s Gate is that, like most powerful time periods on the Wheel of the Year, this is not a passive situation. As with anything worth going for and worth doing in this lifetime, it takes effort on our part to get the ball rolling, and keep it rolling!

Spell work is not passive, you must keep the fire going after you’ve lit the initial flame. But what the Lion’s Gate portal can do is amplify or boost what you’re working on bringing in or letting go of.    
At the end of the day, I think Leo season and the Lion’s Gate is a big reminder that you are truly worthy of the deep desires that lie in your heart’s center, if you can just be brave enough to reach out grab it.


The Hermit’s Path


Your Path Will Become Clear